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- Quicksilver Engine Flushing OEM Kit
- Use after each use in saltwater or brackish water
- Flush outboards to prevent corrosion to internal engine passages
- Use to flush invasive species deposits from internal engine passages
- Easy-To-Use
- Simply screws into the flushing port on engine
- Do not use it when the engine is running
- Compatibility:
- 4 HP - 5 HP (1 cylinder) 2-cycle Mercury or Mariner outboards
- 4 HP - 6 HP 4-stroke outboards (serial number OR411837 and lower)
- 8 HP - 9.9 HP 4-stroke outboards (2005 and newer)
- 2.5 HP - 3.5 HP (F2.5, F3.5) 4-stroke Mercury or Mariner outboards

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Outboard Motor Accessories
Product Category
Outboard Motor Accessories
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Quicksilver 16841Q02 Engine Flushing Kit

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