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Electrify Your Workshop

The Reznor EGW-3 Electric Unit Heater

By Dale V.  |  Power Equipment Expert

For many braving the winter this year know it has been one of the coldest, snowiest, most brutal winter in memory.

Even our snow shovels have started complaining about being overworked.

Cars don't suddenly stop breaking down when temperatures dip below zero. Our homes and workshops don't magically suspend in time when snow falls.

Despite the bitter cold conditions, we work on, but why suffer?


Innovations in Space Heating

For many, the solution to working when temperatures dip is supplemental gas heaters. The problem with many of these is that they can be dangerous and obtuse to operate, not to mention a pain to keep refilling. The fumes and condensation they create are just as bad to deal with than the cold itself.

Reznor, a company with a masterful handle on interior unit heaters, has solved both of these problems with their Reznor EGW-3 Workshop Suspended Electric Unit Heater.

First, the Reznor EGW-3 runs on electricity. This gives it the versatility to be installed virtually anywhere. Shop owners don't need to worry about where the gas line comes in to fuel the EGW-3; the EGW-3 is an impressive 208/240 volt heater, drawing enough muscle from electricity alone.


Conveniently Small Size

Another bonus inherent in the EGW-3 is its relatively small size. This electric unit heater measures just over 12 inches high, 12 inches wide and 10 inches deep. Weighing just 20 pounds, the EGW-3's small size means it can be put wherever heat is needed most.

Some larger units require support structures and clearances which mean their heat may not go where heat is needed most. The EGW-3 is small and strong enough, on the other hand, to put heat exactly where it's needed in a garage or shop. This compact size makes the EGW-3 perfect for smaller garages or shops, where a massive heater would be overkill.


Combining Power and Electricity

This isn't to say that the EGW-3 doesn't have heating power. Quite the opposite. Despite being a cubic foot in size, the EGW-3 is rated for 10,423 BTUs of heat per hour. Toasty.

No Exhaust Fumes

Additionally, owners of an EGW-3 don't need to worry about heat loss and harmful exhaust. For gas-fired heaters, some of your money will always be burned away in exhaust. This exhaust, this wasted money, can be toxic in the cloistered atmosphere of a shop and requires special venting.


The EGW-3, being electric, runs at 100 percent efficiency. Every last cent of electricity put into the unit comes out as heat. And even better, since it lacks an internal flame, there's no need to worry about choking on carbon dioxide and exhaust while working under your car.

Long Life

Reznor heaters also put enough engineering smarts into their workshop unit heater to ensure a long product life. The EGW-3's exterior is made of 20 gauge steel. Steel provides durability and stability. Additionally, the steel cabinet is coated in durable epoxy/powder paint. This prevents the scratches and dings-common in a workshop-which can lead to corrosion. Corrosion can lead to compromised performance, and Reznor does its best to keep its heaters on top of their game.

The motor inside each EGW-3 is totally enclosed and pre-lubricated. This means it should be able to heat an icy shop, without need for maintenance, for years. Its tubular stainless steel heating elements heat and transmit the heat from this engine with maximum speed. Couple this with an internal thermostat, and the EGW-3 is capable of providing just the right amount of heat exactly where it's needed.

Directional Heat

The EGW-3 also makes use of adjustable louvers to direct heat exactly where it's needed. So not only can you install the EGW-3 in your workshop's cold spot, you can pinpoint the flow of heat to the frozen heart of that icy zone. Additionally, the EGW can be mounted via a special swiveling ceiling bracket. Installed as such, the EGW-3 can be turned to provide heat in a 360 degree radius. If that wasn't enough, the EGW-3 is capable of moving 300 cubic feet of air per minute. Operating at only 51 decibels, the EGW-3 provides a powerful thrust of heat without basting your eardrums.


Work On

So, even if this winter continues hammering on our skin and sidewalks, Reznor offers relief. An EGW-3 unit heater can keep our work spaces toasty warm even as exterior temperatures plunge. Because our work doesn't stop just because temperatures drop.


NEXT: Shop All Reznor EGW Electric Unit Heaters