Cleaning Public Spaces on the Clock

Cleaning Public Spaces on the Clock

How to Clean Stadiums and Fairgrounds Fast

If you run an outdoor cleaning service, you know the importance of leaf blowers.

However, if you're new to the business, perhaps you need some advice on what kind of equipment to use.

Whether reviving fairgrounds in late summer or cleaning stadiums Monday morning, it's important to get the job done quickly. After all, time is money. So the sooner you finish one job, the sooner you can start the next.

Lucky for you, there are plenty of different tools available to make each job easy.


Walk-Behind Leaf Blowers for Lots and Fields

walk behind blowersWhen you're cleaning a wide-open area, like a stadium or a field, you want to harness the power of a hurricane.

Walk-behind leaf blowers are the perfect tool for the job. They roll over terrain like a lawn mower, but they blow trash and leaves effortlessly over large distances. 

What sets these beasts apart is their combined air flow volume (measured in CFM) and air speed (measured in MPH) that push leaves and trash with the power of three or more backpack blowers combined.

They also have the advantage of being able to roll over both paved and unpaved ground for versatility.


Lawn Sweepers for Large Areas

tow-behind powered sweeperTo sweep up large areas like fields and fairgrounds, use a tow-behind lawn sweeper. These beasts will pick up practically everything up to an inch in diameter.

Some of the most common kinds of debris are no match for a gas-powered tow-behind lawn sweeper:

  • Gravel
  • Stones
  • Bottle caps
  • Lawn clippings
  • Pine needles

Powered tow-behind sweepers hold a fair amount of debris, so you can clean larger areas more efficiently.

With a yard sweeper attached to the back of a garden tractor or UTV (always check your vehicle's weight limit), you can sit down while you ride your way to a clean field. If your crew is large enough, you can even have a few team members use backpack or walk-behind leaf blowers to push the debris into rows for the sweeper to pick up more quickly.


Backpack Blowers for Nooks, Crannies, and Grandstands

backpack blowersWhile walk-behind leaf blowers can move large quantities of trash and leaves over massive open areas, they aren't ideal in tight spaces.

A stadium job, for example, should begin with blowing trash out from underneath grandstand seating, blowing it down the stairs, and then moving it from entrances and under bleachers.

For these kinds of spaces, it's much easier to use a backpack leaf blower. Once you're finished blowing the mess out of the nooks, crannies, and grandstands, you can move it all into a pile with a walk-behind blower and haul it away to the city dump.


Push Power Sweepers for Walkways

push powered sweeperTo clean corridors and concourses, there are smaller powered sweepers available as well. Use a push power sweeper to clean hard surface areas with ease.

Clean items like candy wrappers, pop cans, cigarette butts, and popcorn by pushing this powered sweeper over them. 

The spinning brushes on this driveway sweeper will sweep the debris into an enclosed hopper on the back, which can be easily emptied.

With the right tools for the job, any job can go quickly, even if it covers an entire stadium.


NEXT: How a Debris Truck Loader Can Save Time & Labor

Dale, the Power Equipment Expert
Power Equipment Expert
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